The Gosford House extravaganza took place on the traditional night of gunpowder, treason and plot with a thrilling evening reaching a crescendo as a spectacular fireworks display, featuring music, lights, sky trackers and lasers, illuminated the skies above the house like never before.

Themed around ‘Movie Magic’, the night began with pre-show entertainment including a funfair, fabulous food and drink offerings, including marshmallows and hot chocolate, a DJ, bubbles, fire pits, and performers.

As organisers, GC Live designed and delivered the event which culminated in the awesome fireworks display choreographed to much-loved film music. Our partners 21CC provided the technical expertise to produce the high-impact spectacle.

Other events in our new fireworks festival took place at Hopetoun House, South Queensferry, Dean Castle Country Park, Kilmarnock and in Hammersmith & Fulham which hosted London’s biggest eco and pet-friendly alternative to fireworks, attracting thousands of revellers to 12 laser and lights shows over two nights.

‘Gosford House Fawkes Festival fireworks, lights & lasers event last night didn’t disappoint’

Simon Bergenroth, Facebook comment

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